Arts and Humanities Month Teaching Guide

Arts and Humanities Month Teaching Guide

National Arts and Humanities Month is a special time to honor and appreciate the significant contributions that arts and humanities make to our society. Throughout the month of October, people from around the world come together to celebrate and recognize various forms of visual art and art history. 

Art for the Earth

Create a watercolor painting using climate data. This unit includes six high-quality lesson plans focused on teaching climate change through art, social studies, science, and english language arts.

Learn how to integrate this unit plan into your classroom with this teacher guide as your template.

Teach an art lesson during Arts and Humanities Month. These lesson plans were designed by SubjectToClimate's teacher community and cater to grades K-12.

The Art of Climate Change
Stop Motion Photography

Interactive Data

Explore climate data in humanities classes of all grade levels. All data has been verified by our climate scientists. 

What is a humanitarian?

Growth Mindset Posters
Student Advocacy

"Student climate activists generously share their story about how they got involved in environmental advocacy work while they were still students in high school."

Students have big questions about the future of humanity — we have resources to help with that. 


Food Waste
Renewable Energy
Climate Anxiety

How are young people standing up for human rights? 

How Young Climate Crisis Activists Changed the World
LGBTQ+ Climate Activists
How to Teach Environmental Justice

Must See Films

Help more mature students understand humanitarian challenges. 

What Would It Look Like?

What Would It Look Like?

This philosophical film features environmental, social, economic, and political commentary from thinkers and activists around the world.

A Thousand Suns

A Thousand Suns

This film explores the juxtaposition between sustainable ways of living and the modern world.



This film intertwines the stories of three people as they fight to make the world a better place.

Teach about climate change through the performing arts. 



Utilize art to educate and raise public awareness of critical environmental issues in America and across the globe.

Jill Pelto


Closing Thoughts

SubjectToClimate's National Arts and Humanities Month Guide aims to empower educators like you with valuable tools and strategies to enrich students' artistic journeys while fostering environmental consciousness and critical thinking. By embracing the creative power of arts and humanities, our guide encourages a different approach to climate education and advocacy. We hope you can utilize this guide as your personal toolkit, emphasizing the role of art in climate action and harnessing art education to leave a lasting impact on both your students and the world.

All resources can be used for your educational purposes with proper attribution to the content provider.