Too Hot For Humans? Jacobabad Temperatures Rise to 50°C
Provided by: The Telegraph |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12
This video discusses the occurrence of extreme heat and humidity in Jacobabad, Pakistan.
Students will learn that extreme heat and humidity is dangerous for human beings and how extreme heat and humidity are increasing due to climate change.
This is a short video that shows people are already being affected by climate change in a serious way.
Additional Prerequisites
The report discusses temperature in degrees Celsius, so students may need to review a temperature scale showing temperatures in degrees F and degrees C.
Note that the reason high heat and humidity is dangerous to people is because sweat will not evaporate off the skin if the humidity level and temperature are too high, not because people cannot sweat enough.
Cross-curricular connections could be made with geography and social studies to discuss the unequal distribution of heat and humidity and the unequal effects of climate change on global populations.
Students can discuss the health impacts from extreme heat.
Language arts students can write poetry using creative imagery to illustrate the heat brought on by climate change.
Scientist Notes
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